“I think one of the greatest risks to animal agriculture is the public finding out about practices that they had no idea about…”

For the first time ever, the National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) has released a draft Code of Practice for farmed salmon (the most farmed…

Following the lead of Alberta and Ontario, Manitoba has proposed its own draft Ag Gag legislation which seeks to amend the Animal Diseases Act to…

An article titled ‘The elephant in the room’ which appeared in the August 2020 issue of Ontario Dairy Farmer provides a disturbing glimpse into Canadian…

Together with Droit animalier Québec (DAQ), we’ve released a new PSA on the epidemic of barn fires in Quebec to raise awareness and ask supporters…

These are only the fatal barn fires which were reported, many others were not cited in the media and consequently are not mentioned in this census. https://www.tvanouvelles.ca/2019/02/03/plus-de-360-000-animaux-delevage-ont-peri-depuis-2015?fbclid=IwAR3ECoD3Zc2vQNovnhiIT0BVM_uZOI6GZHiBvGVXgha6dQZCFEb-GVWaXJI…

The National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) has been given $4.56 million from the federal government to update its industry codes of practice, starting with…

On Wednesday, the federal government finally released its revised animal transport regulations, which had remained unchanged since 1977. The new regulations are nothing but a…