Help us help Canadian farm animals!
CETFA Foundation heavily relies on volunteers and supporters to reach others about the plight of Canadian farmed animals. Below are several ways in which you can help make a difference for animals in your community.
- Be informed! Know where your meat, dairy and eggs come from. Ask questions!
- Write to your local Member of Parliament. Change happens when people get involved. Write a letter to your local Member of Parliament telling them your concerns for farm animal welfare.
- Educate others. Too few Canadians are aware of the cruelty inflicted on farm animals before they arrive as food on our dinner plates. Here are some ways to help change this:
- Use your social networking sites as animal advocacy tools. Share our social networking posts (Facebook and Instagram) and action alerts. Encourage your friends to do the same. Include the CETFA Foundation website address in your e-mail signature.
- Write letters to the editor and comment on online articles.
- Start, and promote, an online petition pertinent to an issue CETFA Foundation is working on: This is a great way to show public support for animal welfare, and can easily be done using one of the many free online petitions sites.
- Start a local animal protection group: Use the power of a team to help spread awareness about issues concerning Canadian farmed animals, putting into action any (or all) of the ideas listed on this page.